Would You Sign a Dating Pre-Nup?
Have you ever wanted to create a list of things you want and don't want out of a relationship? Then, have you ever wanted to have a potential partner sign that document so you two are on the same page?
Well, people are starting to do this with "dating pre-nups". It's not exactly known if couple are actually taking these per-nups to a lawyer to make them a binding contract, or if it's just an agreement between the two, but they are being done.
I can see how this might benefit couples by cutting through some of the crap early on. Maybe there are a few things that are absolute deal breakers in a relationship, but this could go too far real quick.
If you have too many things on this list, you could be missing out on an amazing person. There might be something you think is a deal breaker early on, but realize it's something you could live with, all things considered. While I agree with this in theory, you need to make sure you don't over do it.