More Tornadoes Likely in WTX
We've all heard about the destruction in San Angelo and Abilene. It always gets just a little more real when a tornado actually touches down close to home. Here in the Permian Basin, we have tornadoes pretty much every year. We never take them seriously because they're always touching down outside the city limits in underpopulated areas....until now. With two hitting so close to home on the same night, it's hard to ignore.
The bad news is, it looks like we're just getting started with hail and tornado season. Make sure you perform a few tornado drills with your family. My friend in Abilene said he woke up to his phone and tornado alarms and only had what seemed like seconds to react, because the storm came in the middle of the night. Shaving off a few moments of confusion can mean the difference between life and death. Have a plan that your kids are familiar with ahead of time.The more they have done it, the less scary and confusing it will be if the time comes that it's no longer a drill. Be safe Permian Basin.
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