Doc Brown Legal Minute
We have this cool new feature on KBAT called the Doc Brown Legal Minute, where Russell from the Carlson Law Firm is kind enough to jump on once a day and answer legal questions that our listeners may have. He specializes in personal injury and with the oilfield and crazy traffic, we have noticed that a lot of our listeners have questions on the subject.
I think the cool thing about Carlson and Russell, is how casual and laid back their approach is. They try to make their clients feel like they're dealing with a friend. Russell is a Permian Basin native and he cares about all his clients. He wants to make sure that when he takes on your case, you know he takes personal interest in it. While having a friendly beer with Russell, I learned that he's not only passionate about his clients, but he's passionate about BBQ as well lol. That's where he and I really got to talking. We messed up and got to talking about BBQ and football, and almost never stopped talking lol.
So without further adieu, I leave it to you. Fire away. Ask him some questions that you or loved on might have about an on the job injury, or a car accident. He's here. He cares, and he's damn good.