That Time There Was a Kangaroo Loose in Midland
You guys remember that time when Kangaroos were native to Midland county? Yeah, me either. Back in November of 2013 Sheriff Gary Painter got a phone call from dispatch about a kangaroo on the loose out on hwy 158 near hwy 191 that he and his deputies simply did not believe. In the story on the News West 9 website, Sheriff Painter says they didn't believe it so they just had to go and see for themselves. Sure enough, there he was, a baby kangaroo hoping around in the dark. Apparently he had somehow made a great escape and the little joey's owner was also on the scene trying to lure him back with the promise of a treat held out. The baby kangaroo was eventually caught and after some talk with the owner about city ordinances and licensing the roo and his owner were allowed to go. The article doesn't clarify whether or not there is a law in Midland county against this kind of exotic animal and honestly I need to know! I think a kangaroo would be one sweet pet to take to parties
If you could have any kind of exotic pet, what would it be?