
Lubbock Winery Offers Unique Sommelier Summer School
Lubbock Winery Offers Unique Sommelier Summer School
Lubbock Winery Offers Unique Sommelier Summer School
Llano Estacado is currently selling spots for people to join their Sommelier Summer School, a three month, six class program where you can learn the ins and outs of wine tasting, making, and pairing from sommelier Matt Bostick.
The Best Places to Drink in Midland
The Best Places to Drink in Midland
The Best Places to Drink in Midland
Forty-six! That’s the rough estimated number I came up with when trying to figure out how many bars we have here in the town of Mid-Land  (I like to put a pause between the "mid" and the "land," to make sure I don’t somehow slip up and say Midland...