Investigation Discovery’s Corporate Office is Concerned About Me?
Here's the thing, I really don't need cable. There isn't anything I want to see that I can't get on some other streaming service. Local news is about the only thing I need cable for and the only reason I still have it. What I need is my ID channel. I can't live without it. I watch shows on my IDGo app here at the house when I'm home. I log in to the ID app on my phone at work and turn it over so I can listen to it while I'm working. I listen and watch literally all day, every day. So when everything stopped working a week or so ago out of no where, I literally lost my friggen mind! I'm still losing my mind to be honest because it STILL isn't working. I emailed the corporate office for four days straight about four or five times each day until I finally got a response. When they emailed me back I think it had more to do with what the last email I sent them said than just wanting to help fix a glitch. In one of the last emails I blasted off to them I tried to make them understand how important getting my shows back was. In one line of the email I said "You don't understand, I NEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEED my ID channel shows like I NEED them. If you guys don't fix this quick I'm going to end up on one of your shows....."Mysterious murder or did she die from sadness?" I'm guessing they weren't sure if I was serious or not and felt the need to reach out in order to establish their concern, you know, in case they had to testify later. Either way someone did finally get back with me but what he suggested to do did not work. The guy, Jason, did say that if I tried what he suggested and it still didn't fix the issue to get back with him and he would continue to try and figure out the problem so that I could continue to live a happy healthy life....
You're damn right you'll get back to me Jason.....You're damn right....
to be continued.....
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