I Just Tried This Running App for Lazy People.
So my friend Caleb told me about an app called Couch to 5K. I have always hated running or jogging of any kind. Even when I was in good shape I did a very minimal amount of cardio. I don't know at this point if I will truly stick with it, but I will say it made running suck a lot less. It really is a program that will take you from sitting your ass on the couch to running 5K without you hating life in the process from what I can see. Just look at how happy I am to be active.
Basically, it just makes it to where you very gradually build up to jogging more and more. You start off with 30 minutes. Let me stop right there. To ease your mind, HELL NO I didn't run for 30 minutes. On this first run, I probably actually ran a total of 5 minutes in 1 minute bursts. Easy right? It sounds crazy but I've heard about several people I actually know, going from this, to running 3 miles a day in about 2 months without even trying to push themselves.
I know what you're thinking. I'm a radio personality and obviously being paid to endorse this app. Nope. I was just in really good shape when Tawny and I met, and am perfectly happy being chubby and married. However, I'm 36 and my grandfather died of a heart attack at 52....so did my uncle. I was 9 when my PawPaw passed away. Maaaaaybe I should be a little more pro active about my health. That's definitely a good incentive. It's a free app and I figured if I could help another kid keep their PawPaw a little longer, then I've achieved something great with my life. I sure wish someone would have done that for me.