When I randomly found this preview over the weekend I thought, “Ummmm, is this real life? Because if there really is a Rainbow Bright movie coming out, I will S*&t a pink glittered brick!”

Now, the real question was whether or not this trailer I found on Youtube was the real deal holyfield or if I just stumbled on some strawberry scented bulls*&%t.  Before a few minutes ago, I was  leaning more toward the latter considering the quality of the graphics but then again maybe they’re trying to stay closer to the original for nostalgic purposes.  Then I found the very small amount of information that confirmed that yes Virginia, there will be a Rainbow Bright movie  coming out on November 6.  Granted, the company making it possible is an online subscription based video on demand type service and not the hugely publicized, millions of dollars type production she deserves.


Either way you can bet your ass I will be in the front row (well, I’ll be in the middle half way up) on the day it opens in my authentic one of a kind Rainbow Bright outfit complete with Starlight pony in hand.  Ah yes readers, I may be a biker book wearing, head banging, pole dancing, (I threw that one in for fun) rock chick but I too was once a young burden on my parents with absolutely nothing better or more important to do on a Saturday morning than eat my Mr. T cereal, in my Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle pajamas and watch Rainbow Bright, among other various “must see” Saturday morning cartoons.


There was a time when I thought if I drank all my milk, did my homework, stayed away from drugs and watched enough Reading Rainbow that I too could be just like Rainbow Bright and bring color to the world.


There wasn’t much that could tear me away from my Rainbow Bright, aside from He-Man, Fragle Rock, Carebear, ok so I was a bit fickle but come on I was a child.   Rainbow Bright and her puffy multi-colored socks made me think I could drop out of school and become a loudly dressed super hero that sprinkled “Star Sprinkles” on any problem that came along.


But I digress, so needless to say on November 6, I can be found in my living room looking like a cos-play stripper watching this movie with one hell of a “starry eyed” smile on my face.

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