Valentine’s Day Gift Advice From Tawny the Rock Chick
Valentine’s day is on its way and I’m sure there are more than a few of you out there with absolutely no idea what you’re going to do.
Well I can’t tell you what do do/get for that special someone but I can give you a run-down of some of the most popular gifts on Valentine’s Day.
According to the poll I saw on mashable.com, as I expected, flowers were at 61%, making them the most given gift during this romantic holiday.
Following in second with 58% greeting cards, Candy came in third with 50% (please don’t get them candy, just don’t), then we see an evening out at 39%, clothing at 18% (you mean lingerie?) and dead last gift cards with 17%, which makes total sense cause that’s one lazy, very un-romantic gift to give on a holiday that’s really all about showing your partner that you truly care and want to do something special just for them.
Now that the statistics are out of the way, let’s get into something more helpful.
First of all, if you are really into the person you’re with you should have no problem figuring out something special to give them or do for them on Valentine’s day. However, allow me to suggest that if you are planning a night out with dinner and a movie, don’t do it on February 14th. Be smart kids, do it before or after that way you don’t have to worry about reservations, lines and crowds. Because none of those things are romantic, I promise.
Even if you’re broke like most of us are, there’s always a way to show the person you love how much you care.
For example, if you’re budget absolutely will not allow for you to buy a gift, the easiest thing to do, especially if were talking about a gift for a lady, is to beat her home one day and clean the house, the whole thing top to bottom. I mean everything, the laundry, dishes, windows, bathrooms, the whole enchilada. I promise you, if your woman comes home to the whole house clean and she didn’t have to pick up a finger, it will mean more to her than any amount of roses or candy. I would lose my shit if I came home to find that Chris went out of his way to clean the whole house.
Ladies, men are for sure the hardest to buy for. If buying a gift isn’t possible, you’re still gonna be fine. Figure out a way to borrow his vehicle one day, or even ask if you can take it to run an errand, then clean that baby inside and out. I mean get up in there and get your elbows dirty, wax the tires even! If that’s a thing. I really don’t know.
Now let’s say you have a little bit of money you can do something with. I know how to make a little bit go a long way kids.
For the ladies, first you need to know her well enough to know if she’s one of those girls that likes writing utensils. I am, then your golden, hook her up with a variety of super good gel pens and such.
This suggestion I personally believe will work for any woman, and if it doesn’t, it’s cheap enough that you didn’t waste what you pay for your phone bill every month.
Coloring books and map pencils or fine tip markers, I know some people are into those. Seriously, you would be surprised how crazy a girl will go over some colors and a coloring book. If you want to learn more about that whole scene before you decide to go that direction you can check out my guide to adult coloring books.
It shouldn’t be that hard but the closer the day gets here the more I hear people complaining about how hard gift giving is. Come on people, take the time, put in some effort and let’s see you “score” one for Team Tawny!
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