Top 7 Texas Locations for Bluebonnets
Generally speaking wildflower season here in Texas starts somewhere around late February (depending on what part of Texas your in) and can last all the way through October. When and if we've had a particularly rainy spring we can count on seeing all that west Texas has to offered in the way of native flowers. This year so far we haven't seen much rain but that doesn't mean we won't. Some of the native wildflowers to this area you can expect to see pretty much anywhere you in the general vicinity (depending on conditions) are wildflowers like the Butterfly Daisy.
Ratibida Columnifera-or commonly known as the Mexican Hat.
One of my personal favorites the Scarlet Gaura.
I've ran across this one walking around out in the field near my grandmothers house in Rankin, the Western Primrose.
The most popular and sought after wildflower, our state flower, the Bluebonnet, can be far more illusive to catch a glimpse of. Especially if we're talking about seeing it here in west Texas. Sure you'll have no problem seeing the highways in central, south and even possibly east Texas, lined with this pretty blue number, but here in west Texas you never know where you're gonna see Bluebonnets.
I can tell you from experience that whenever I take a road trip that leads me past the town where I was born, Sweetwater, depending on the time of year, I'm often lucky enough to catch an eye full of blue on both sides for a good bit.
That's the closest location to Midland/Odessa that I know about where you can see a pretty good spattering of the state flower. If you know of any other additional locations close to use please let me know and I will repost this blog with that information and credit you.
Otherwise you can use this handy little guide to the best spots in Texas to see Bluebonnets. Don't forget to take pictures and send them to use!
7. Fredericksburg-Bluebonnets aren't all you're going to see blooming wild and free near Fredericksburg. This town is one of the prettiest locations near us for plants and flowers, especially if we've had some good rain.
6. Marble Falls-This town even has a place in town with great pie called the Bluebonnet Cafe.
5. Ennis-This town really celebrates the Bluebonnet. Staring April 1st through the 30th you can take a stole down the Ennis Bluebonnet Trails. The Downtown Ennis Bluebonnet Market starts up on April 23rd and lasts through the summer months.
4. Llano-When I think of Llano I think of rock hunting. If you're into wildflowers and rock hunting you'll be in heaven. Bluebonnets can be spotted on Hwy 29, east and west of town and everywhere in-between. Plus there's a Cooper's in Llano, and that place is amazing.
3. Washington County- Try Hwy 290 for some good displays.
2. Atascosa County-The annual strawberry festival is a real crowd draw and the fact this this happens to be the county that George Strait was born in couldn't hurt either. Aslo, the town where you can find these beautiful blue cuties has the coolest name, Poteet.
1. Where ever you decide to plant. My grandmother used to buy lots of wildflower seeds, making sure they were native to west Texas, including Bluebonnets and she would keep them in her car and whenever she had time she would stop on the side of the road and just throw them around. If you really want to know where the best place to see Bluebonnets is, it's where ever you decide to plan them.
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