Texas is stupid big. And while that's great for a lot of reasons, it makes driving from city to city crap. I mean, it really sucks. Especially when the drive is super flat and boring. Hyperloop One's Hyperloop will change that.

Hyperloop is pretty much exactly what it sounds like: a loop that makes a circle around the state and travels at hyper speeds. By hyper speeds, I mean from Houston to Dallas in 30 minutes. What would normally take 3 1/2 hours would now be 1/7th of that time. So, a 5-hour drive from Lubbock to Dallas would probably take approximately 42 minutes. That's pretty sweet.

But how does it work? Simple...but super complex. The Hyperloop will be a vacuum tube with all the air sucked out of it. Then, when people climb into the tube car (or whatever you ride in to go from here to there), since there isn't any friction on the vehicle in a vacuum it can be propelled at super-fast speeds without problem.

All vehicle speeds are restrained by friction in some form or another. Whether it's air pushing back, the wheels on the ground, a boat pushing through water or even a plane in the sky, the friction is what causes us to only be able to reach certain speeds. Without any friction from surrounding air, speeds are only limited by the ability to control whatever is moving.

Inside a sealed loop, the vehicle is controlled by not being able to leave the sealed loop. So, with complete control and no friction pushing back, the speeds are much higher than we're normally used to. And the G forces wouldn't be noticeable either because of the vacuum, i.e. no friction. And there's magnets that float the car, too.

Science is pretty rad sometimes.

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