In a TikTok that how now gone viral, you see photographer, Ashlee Struchen, making the cutest photoshoot with a tiny baby. The video has now been viewed over half a million times. What is her inspiration? The HEB Bakery! Oh yeah, and Selena music. Check out the adorable video of the shoot below and the final product!

@sweetestsnaps Little Conchita babe 💕 #CorpusChristiTX #Photographer #Conchita #Concha ♬ Como La Flor - Selena

I reached out to Ashlee Struchen, owner of Sweetest Snaps Photography and we found out that she loves to use things that we love in Texas for inspiration. "We love to create ideas and setups that bring to life some of our favorite parts of Texas - we have done a Whataburger setup, a Chick-fil-A setup, a beach baby setup, and Starbucks setups. Up next, we have a Selena baby photo shoot planned!"

"People love to incorporate their favorite things into their baby’s session and as an artist, I am all about creating something fun and different for each client. H‑E‑B is a local favorite and of course, I knew I wanted to use their delicious pastries for our session", Ashlee says.  We absolutely love the final product of the 'concha' baby and so did HEB, they even commented on the Tiktok video "OMG the cutest little conchita bebe."

Since Corpus Christ is right up the road, she might even be able to make your next memory for you. Check out her website. Photos used with her permission.

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