New Laws in Texas 2019 That Could Effect You
Changes in Texas Law 2019 that may affect you.
Changes with how vehicles are titled
Transferring ownership of a car
SB 2076 revises “the process for an owner or lienholder of a motor vehicle to obtain a certified copy of a lost or destroyed title”.
As of January 1st, the Texas DMV can only issue you a certified copy of your title, rather than the original, if you’re the first lienholder or the lienholder’s verified agent unless the owner has original proof from the lienholder.
It also states that any certified copy of the title lawfully obtained under this section of the law makes any previously issued title or certified copy invalid.
More information on vehicle title legislation can be found here.
More courts to ease caseloads
SB1329 addresses the increase in population which will increase the caseloads in courts by adding more courts across the state. It also revises the jurisdiction of some courts and judges, including allowing an associate judge to hear family lawsuits.
Some Texas courts also have jurisdiction over mental health matters. Some sections of the bill went into effect on September 1st, 2017, with more sections of the act becoming effective throughout the year.
More information on the above can be found here.
Revising laws on human trafficking, prostitution and related crimes
HB 29 bill requires sexually oriented businesses to post a notice in their restrooms about human trafficking. It’s a misdemeanor if they don’t post it.
It also increases the penalties for certain prostitution offenses, cancels the part of the bill that disbands the Texas Human Trafficking Task Force and prioritizes hearings related to child sex trafficking cases.
The majority of the bill actually went into effect on September 1st, 2017, but a part pertaining to the Business and Commerce Code won’t kick in until March 1st, 2019.
That part says sexually oriented businesses have to post a sign by the sink area in each restroom with contact information to the National Human Trafficking Resource Center. It also must be in English and Spanish, and include any other information as ordered by the attorney general.
High School Graduation Requirements
A portion of another law related to public high school graduation requirements won’t go into effect until September 1st, 2019 but may be worth looking at.
SB 463 says that school districts won’t be allowed to administer a Texas Assessment of Knowledge and Skills, or TAKS, test. The exam was replaced with End of Course (EOC) exams in 2007.
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