Midland Halloween House Amazing Display
I found the coolest Halloween House display I've ever seen non-commercialy done right here in Midland and you'll never guess how I found it. I came across a short video of what looked like a really decked out front yard for Halloween on the Nextdoor app. If you're not familiar the Nextdoor app is basically an app that connects you with people who live in the same neighborhood you do. On the app people post pictures of things like lost pets, gardening, suspicious activity ect... I'm not signed up for the correct neighborhood however since I originally signed on to the app before I moved to where I live now. I'm glad I havnt figured out how to fix it though because I don't think I would have ever found out about this awesome house. Little did I know there was more than just a front yard Halloween display waiting for us at this one of a kind, over the top, Halloween lovers home. On Saturday before Halloween I made my son hop in the car with me and see if we could find this cool looking front yard mom found the other day. The app tells what subdivision each post is coming from but it took my 12 year old to point out that the post had the address listed right on it. Good thing he did because I was just going to drive around the general vicinity and hope we found it. We got there in the evening and slowed down in front thinking it was awesome just based on what we saw which was just the front yard in the dark unlit. We hadn't been sitting there more than a moment when a lady in a motorized wheel chair came zooming out cheerily to give us some cards and tell us to come back tomorrow because the autopsy room and the circus of the dead and mad house zoo would be open and ready on Halloween night. I was so impressed, everything was amazing but the thing that really surprised me was the full size xenomorph from the Aliens movie that I'm almost positive is home made, it was amazing!
The pictures didn't come out too great but it's also the kind of thing you need to see in person.
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