Keep Midland Beautiful
Today was the annual apPrentice Project we do every year now at my big girl job. In honor of a former employee, that sadly passed away from cancer, we get out on 191 and pick up trash with Keep Midland Beautiful. In years past we've met up on a Saturday but this year the big bosses thought we might get a better turn out if they gave us the day off in exchange for a couple of hours of picking up trash, and guess what? They were right! Funny what people are willing to do for some time off. To be honest I would've signed up either way, I mean last year I found a twenty dollar bill and some other guy walked away with a Benjamin Franklin in his pocket for his efforts. This year I found a very heavy coded padlock and a sign that came from an oil rig...not sure how that ended up on the side of the road but it'll be proudly displayed in the lady lair by this weekend. Moral of the story? Be involved in community projects, you never know what you might walk away with.
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