It’s 7-Eleven Day FREE SLURPEES!
(These lovely ladies are at the store here in Midland at 2111 W Wall St)
It’s 7-Eleven day today and they’re celebrating with free stuff! Today at any 7-Eleven store (at least for sure in the U.S.) from 11am till 7pm you can get a free small Slurpee and a ¼ lb. Big Bite hot dog for $1! The franchise is also offering seven more days of deals after today for members of the company’s 7Rewards loyalty program. Here at KBAT we want you to get the most out of your favorite station and the best way to do that is to download the KBAT app (for free) wherever you download applications so you can capitalize on all the exclusive app only contests, streaming live 24/7 and a whole host of other cool stuff that’s only on the app and it looks like 7-Eleven feels the same. They have a rewards app (also free) where you can earn points and end up getting some exclusive member only deals. Here’s what’s offered in the next 7 days to members on the stores reward program. Either way go grab you a free small Slurpee today before 7pm and post a pic on the KBAT Facebook page, what’s your favorite flavor? I mixed mine today, Mountain Dew and Deadpools Monster Mutant Red Dawn!
The following deals will pop up in members’ 7Rewards app, on the specified day:
• Thursday, July 12: Free 7-Select Pure water with purchase of a BODYARMOR sports drink
• Friday, July 13: Free Big Gulp fountain drink with purchase of a share-size Snickers candy bar
• Saturday, July 14: Free 7-Select popcorn with purchase of a 20-ounce Smartwater
• Sunday, July 15: Free single-size Reese’s candy with purchase of a share-size bag of 7-Select Gummies
• Monday, July 16: Free 20-ounce Coca-Cola<http://fortune.com/fortune500/coca-cola/> with purchase of any flavor Cheez-It baked snack crackers
• Tuesday, July 17: Free single-serve bag of 7-Select chips with purchase of any fresh sandwich
• Wednesday, July 18: Free single-serve 7-Select tortilla chips with purchase
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