Some DIY's are not as easy as YouTube makes them seem but this one was more elbow grease than anything. I'm not sure if "elbow grease" is the right term to describe the effort it takes to dig a hole but you get what I mean. This isn't a technical DIY, so as far as measuring goes, sure you can, and probably should, but we didn't and it turned out ok. We did happen to have some landscaping bricks I bought last summer cause they were on hella sale and I'm the kind of person that even if I don't need something right then, if it's on sale, like a really good sale, I'm buying it. So anyway, having those helped but I've seen people do it with rocks they gathered up in a pasture. So far we've had like three fires in this sucker and it's already worth the sweat it took to dig the hole. I highly recommend putting one in at your house as long as you make sure it's deep enough and is a safe distance from any structures.