5 Things People Love The Most About West Texas
It's easy to write about reasons not to like something, easy to write and complain complain complain. How about we twist that frown upside down and look at things on the positive side? There's enough negativity in the news---gas prices, inflation, the pandemic... Time for some HAPPY.
Typically, the place you are "from" is where you grew up. But it doesn't necessarily always have to be that way. If you're a transplant, but you absolutely love the area you live in, I don't think there are any hard and fast rules about when it's ok to adopt a place as your own and say you're "from" there. Those who grew up in a certain area may take issue with that statement, as their sense of pride takes over having longstanding roots in said place.
I'm kind of an example of this way of thinking that you don't have to grow up somewhere to say you're from there because I grew up in Chicago and left at age 18, and have literally lived all over the country for the past 33 years. As far as I'm concerned, I can say I'm "from" wherever I want to-because home is where you hang your hat. However, while I might say I'm 'from' Chicago (since that's where I grew up), I'd have no problem saying I'm from Midland if someone asked. Having been here in West Texas now for 22 months-I can say there are things that I've truly come to love about this area. Here are MY top 5. Leave a comment below and tell me YOURS.
There's no better caring community who takes care of one another than the people of West Texas. Hospitality and generosity abound, and it's wonderful to be in a place like that.
Not the first year I was here when the Texas POwer grid had its issues with the weather we had, but this past winter (which I'm told is the more typical version of West Texas winters) was mild compared to where I moved here from. Even in the winter of 20-21 with the grid failure, the weather wasn't as bad as a Chicago winter with ten below temps and 30 below wind chills, along with 9 inches of snow on the regular.
There are WAY more sunny days than gloomy or rainy ones, which elevates your mood and makes you happy.
I LOVE Italian food and Mexican-and we have the best restaurants here for both.
I like that there's a constant breeze--just not a big fan of when it really gets going and blows the patio furniture into the grass... Especially on hot days.
Honorable mentions include the scenery, the music (Texas Country), and the Boots and apparel.
How about you? What do YOU love? Comment below and tell us! (No negativity!)