Where Texas Ranks In Black Friday Craziness
It seems this time of year there are two different kinds of people. Those that are willing to brave the Black Friday craziness in search of a sale, and those happy to sit back and watch the craziness from home.
Estately.com recently compiled two things in regards to Black Friday:
- Facebook users expressing interest in Black Friday sales — (source: Facebook user data)
- Frequency of aggravated assaults (attempts to cause seriously bodily injury purposely) — (source: FBI Uniform Crime Reports—2014)
And combining these two stats they were able to establish which states were craziest during Black Friday. But let's first look at the individual numbers. Here are the top 5 most enthusiastic states:
- West Virginia
- Kentucky
- Iowa
- Arkansas
- Alabama
And here are the top 5 most violent states in regards to Black Friday:
- Tennessee
- Alaska
- Nevada
- Florida
Texas ranks 21st overall when combining the two stats. Ranking 19th in frequency of aggravated assaults, and 25th in enthusiasm for Black Friday sales. Here is the complete list of 50 states in order of Black Friday craziness:
- Arkansas
- Tennessee
- Alabama
- Louisiana
- Missouri
- West Virginia
- Oklahoma
- Indiana
- Kansas
- South Carolina
- Iowa
- Michigan
- South Dakota
- Nebraska
- Delaware
- Alaska
- Mississippi
- North Dakota
- Georgia
- Florida
- Illinois
- Montana
- Pennsylvania
- North Carolina
- Kentucky
- Wisconsin
- Maryland
- Nevada
- Arizona
- Ohio
- Wyoming
- Idaho
- Minnesota
- California
- New York
- Maine
- Virginia
- Rhode Island
- Colorado
- New Hampshire
- Utah
- Washington
- Connecticut
- Vermont
- Oregon
- New Jersey
- Hawaii
- Massachusetts