What To Do If You Think You Have Covid 19
This message comes to us from our friends, West Texas Healthcare Workers. It shows not only how to prepare and keep your family more safe from the Corona virus, but it also tells you the exact steps to take if you think you might have it. This is straight from the CDC website.
Precautions you can take:
The first cautionary step is to remember the basics in your everyday activities: Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, cover coughs and sneezes with a tissue and then throw the tissue away-or cough or sneeze into your long sleeve at the elbow fold-stay home from work if you’re sick or at an increased risk, avoid touching surfaces in public, try not to touch your face, and avoid people who seem visibly sick. Also practice social distancing when in public or in any gatherings: Try to maintain a 6-foot perimeter around you.
If there is an active virus in your area, consider totally avoiding crowded places or situations. If there isn’t an active virus near you, factor in your personal health status hen considering whether to go someplace where there are many people.
On March 16th, the White House announced a program called “15 Days to Slow the Spread,” which is a nationwide effort to slow the spread of COVID-19 through the implementation of social distancing throughout society. It recommends avoiding social gatherings in groups of more than 10 people.
Get prepared at home:
Thing about how you would manage your condition if for some reason your were advised to stay home for an extended time because of coronavirus. These tips can help you prepare for such a situation:
- Make sure you can reach your doctor quickly. Gather contact information for your health care providers and store in an easy-to-locate place. Get office phone numbers, emergency numbers and email addresses. And check to see whether electronic consulting or instant messaging options are available.
- If you live alone, gather a list of support contacts who you might gall on if needed, such as friends, relatives, colleagues and neighbors. Keep this contact information all together in one easy-to-find place as well.
- Take stock of your medications. Make sure you have enough for an extended time. Also figure out how you would get refills if you couldn’t leave home. Find out if your pharmacy can deliver refills. Your health care provider or health plan may help advise you here as well.
- Take stock of food, beverage and hygiene supplies for yourself, your family and your pets.
What if you have Symptoms of Coronavirus?
If health experts are investigating you as someone with a possible case, or if you are confirmed to have coronavirus but are stable enough to be treated at home, consider these precautions advised by the CDC:
- Make sure appropriate caregivers are available at home.
- Ensure there’s a separate bedroom where the patient can recover without sharing immediate space with others.
- Make sure everyone living in your household can adhere to precautions recommended as part of home care or isolation. That includes covering coughs or sneezes, relentless handwashing, not touching your face and being sure to regularly wipe down surfaces with household cleaners.
- Set up some basic rules for making sure the person being isolated can get food and other necessities with minimal risk.
If you have any questions or concerns, contact your health care provider or consult the CDC website: https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-nCoV/index.html