San Angelo, Texas Salon Owner Charged with Hate Crime after Drunken Assault
For many, going out for a night of drinks is meant to be fun. Its a time to get together with your friends and act a little silly just to make each other laugh. For others, alcohol is their albatross. Meaning they do not know how to handle what they are drinking. They keep drinking it, though, to try and make themselves look tough or to not be scorned for not being able to drink it. It doesn't excuse the actions of this San Angelo, Texas salon owner but she clearly cannot handle whatever it is she likes to drink.

This incident actually happened in April at the apartment complex where both the salon owner, Evan Noelle Berryhill, and the couple she assaulted, Charles Hardy and his partner. In the viral video, Berryhill is seen confronting the couple with verbal assaults and even physically assaulted one of them.
Video of the incident went viral on TikTok. I would embed the video for you to see but man, her language would make a sailor blush. If you want to see it, you can watch it HERE. But let me warn you:
It is in no way safe to listen to at work or even at home if your kids are around.
Why did it take so long to arrest her?
That's a good question. This incident took place in April but it wasn't until August 8 that she was arrested. Officers couldn't arrest Berryhill that evening because she had not committed any crime in front of the officers and the couple did not want to press charges immediately. After the recorded incident, Berryhill wrote various slurs on Post-It notes and put them on the couple's apartment door and on their vehicle. This prompted the couple to file charges.
The San Angelo police investigated the incident between April and August and were able to gather enough evidence to obtain an arrest warrant. Berryhill was released several hours later after posting her $1,000 bond.
Alcohol certainly played a factor in what happened on that April evening. However, that doesn't excuse Berryhill's behavior. If you want further details on the story, you can find updates HERE, HERE and HERE.