Enchanting TX In 2nd Place for Worst State to Live In the Country
If you were born and raised in Texas then you have a whole lot of love for the Lone Star State. But then again, there are also people who love Texas so much they move here from where they were.

I mean just refer to the video YouTuber Blake Messick shared not that long ago. Since tons of people have apparently been moving from California to Austin, Texas Blake tried making them feel at home.
Blake Messick created his own Hollywood sign but as an Austin version for Texans. But what I want to know is how can Texas can rank #2 as the worst state to live in the country.
You may probably be like me wondering how the heck can Texas be the 2nd worst state to live in. We all know what Texas has to offer and if it were so bad why would people from California be moving over here?
But apparently, Texas has been ranked as the 2nd worst state to live in the country according to CNBC. Texas got an F as a grade that revolved around the weaknesses of the Lone Star State.
I am just as curious as you about what kind of weaknesses Texas has. The weaknesses Texas needs to improve on are voting rights, health resources, childcare, and inclusiveness.
Either you could agree or disagree on why Texas ranked 2nd place for the worst state to live in the country. But either way, we still love Texas and what it does have to offer regardless of how the Lone Star State ranks.