Texas Ranks #2 as the Most State with Spoiled Grandchildren
Are you ready for Grandparents Day this Sunday, September 11? Do you spoil your grandkids?
Grandparents across the country will be celebrating all day with their grandchildren and what they do for their grandkids throughout the year. Most grandparents are always going to be biased including me when we all say our grandchildren are the best.
However, a national survey from Coventry Direct may beg to differ when it came to which states spoil the grandkids the most.
The survey asked 2000 grandchildren across the United States to rate from 1 to 5 how often their grandparents spoil them, then they tallied up the score from each state to find out the winners.
Believe it or not, Texas came in at #2 for having the most spoiled grandchildren, 48 percent of the grandchildren said that they expect money as a gift from their grandparents. 1 and 3 said, grandparents, favor one child over another. While 26 percent of grandkids say their grandparents spoil them with gifts they do not want.
The survey also asked grandchildren about the worst gift they ever received and here are just a few with my take on it.
- A T-shirt that says, My favorite color is glitter, is glitter a color?
- A cardinal statue because I once said I thought it was a pretty bird, if you are an older grandchild ask for a car next time
- A life-size concrete goose, still trying to figure this one out
- Lace Doilies, not to be confused with a doll
- Nose hair clippers, nothing like some good hygiene from grandma
- Expired food to take home, or maybe they just wanted to get rid of it and you too!
If you're wondering about Arkansas, see the rest of this survey, go here to find out.
All in all, your grandparents always have good intentions no matter if it's something you don't like or want. Consider yourself blessed if you have loving grandparents and make sure that you give them a great big hug this Grandparents Day!
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