From emergency kits to inspecting different parts of your home, you can save yourself a lot of trouble when it comes to hail, flooding, and other potential threats.
While simply avoiding stressful situations can be a solution in some parts of your life, it isn’t practical for every moment. So, you have to develop beneficial habits that help reduce your stress levels and allow you to focus on yourself.
'Tis the season, yes parents, it is that time of year. We have STAAR testing going on all around the Permian Basin and no matter what age or what our little ones may say, they do still get nervous and anxious about testing. I know mine do whether they let on or not. So in order to relieve their fears and help take a little pressure off of our little ones, here are some tips to help get them prepar
Because I can’t stand how men seem to have the amazing ability to make dating and relationships so much harder than they have to be I always make it a point to try and help when I can.