Do You Live In Or Near One Of The Most Sexually Diseased States?
The Centers For Disease Control came out with an in-depth look at STIs in every state in the US. So where did your state come in?
Let's talk about sex baby, but sadly this talk isn't going to get all hot. But it will most likely really bother you.
The Center for Disease Control recently released the 2016 data on where the 50 states stand when it comes to Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs) and sexual trends in each state. So who was the absolute worst? That would be Alaska. That's where you're most likely to end up catching something far worse than the common cold. New Mexico came in at a shocking 5th worst state and Texas was the 16th worst. So, safe to say this entire region could use some extra Sex Ed classes well into college.
So what other interesting things were in the CDC's Texas profile? Some of it was shocking, and some was promising:
- Ranked 3rd in the number of HIV diagnoses in 2015
- The percent of 9th graders reporting having sec went down from 34% to 24% from 2005 to 2015
- Ranked 16th for syphilis infections, 13th for chlamydial and 11th for gonorrheal
- Chlamydial infections in women were seen 2.6 times more than men
- Hepatitis A infection rates stayed the same, Hepatitis B infections decreased 25%, Hepatitis C infections increased 100%
You can see the entire Texas State profile at the CDC website.