WARNING: Under no circumstances should you enter this property. By doing so you risk bodily harm and/or prosecution for trespassing on private property.

This abandoned mall is now a pile of rubble, but at one point it looked like something out of a horror movie.

Have you ever been to the once-bustling Burlington Center Mall in Burlington, NJ?  It's about an hour away from Ocean County, so it makes sense if you've ever stopped in before.

A quick google search told me it opened in 1982 and closed in 2018.  I've passed by it a lot since I have family that lives a few towns over, but I only shopped there once years ago.  I don't remember there being too many stores open or things to do, which makes sense that it closed down.

A TikTok user named @abandonedcentral explores abandoned places (which again, you shouldn't do), and I was excited to see it pop up on my feed since I had visited the mall when it was opened.  The sight was absolutely horrifying.  In the video, you can still see some store names up, but other than that it's barren looking.  There are trashed displays, dead plants, and an overall eerie aura.  The mall has since been demolished.

What's replacing the old Burlington Center Mall?

Before you check out the creepy video for yourself, I did want to find out what's replacing the old mall. Per the Burlington County Times, warehouses, new shops, medical offices, and restaurants will be coming to the area.  I hope it'll bring business back to the area.

Check out the once-standing, once abandoned Burlington Center Mall in Burlington.

@abandonedcentral Abandoned Burlington Center Mall. New Jersey. Opened 1982. Closed 2018. #abandoned #abandonedmall #deadmall #mall #bando #abandonedamerica #newjersey ♬ Mall Music - Nature Balance & Green Nature SPA

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