Boobie Business!
So it finally happened! I’ve been wanting to have this procedure done for so long now that it feels surreal. I didn’t know if I would ever be able to face my fears but now I can’t believe I waited so long. If you’ve been listening to me for long enough you know that breast augmentation, let’s just say boobs cause that’s what they are, are something I’ve talked about wanting for years and years. I’ve saved money and done research but there has always been a handful of reasons holding me back. The biggest hang up for me was the fear of the actual procedure and the fact that I would be out of town somewhere unfamiliar, away from my family and friends, away from my home and then having to endure the hours of car ride home. I was scared it would be too much for me to handle. When I heard Dr. Durgin was taking over Medical Spa of Midland I knew this could what I’ve been waiting for! I am so, so glad I did! Dr. Durgin and his staff are absolutely amazing! I’ve never been treated with more care, understanding and consideration from a medical staff in my whole life! The entire process was so amazing. The staff made everything so much easier, they were so reassuring and helpful and beautiful! Seriously, they made such an impression on me that I “Drug Texted” about them as soon as I got home. Don’t worry I didn’t “Drug Text” anyone else…that I know of. I hope anyone who’s been thinking about breast augmentation (or any other procedure), and has questions, concerns, apprehensions ect…will feel free to hit me up for some honest, truthful feedback on the experience. I can’t wait to post before and after pictures so be watching for those!!!
Medical Spa of Midland is at 4506 Briarwood Ave, Midland, TX 79707 and can be reached at 432-689-6300, ask for Laura and tell her Tawny sent ya!
P.S. those aren't my boobs...