Alien Covenant Made Me Proud
Well folks after last night I've decided to call this sad rut that Hollywood movie makers seem to be in the "Season of Sequels". Don't get me wrong I don't have anything against a good second chapter, and some movies just demand it. The movies that came out when I was a kid were amazing. The sequels that followed those movies were just as good if not better in some case. These days when a sequel to a movie comes out I just automatically assume it's going to blow, and that's an assumption based on the sequels I've seen so far. I have a far lower opinion of remakes. I have been deeply disappointed in every remake or reimagining that's come out in the last few years. Recently there have been two remakes in particular that I let myself get really excited about. After last night I can honestly say I've finally seen a remake that perfectly parallels the original in the most respectful and celebrated kind of way. Aliens Covenant was beautiful and thrilling and just absolutely amazing. I realize my opinion is tainted by the scores of awful remakes that came before but still.....pretty damn good.
No spoilers so don't worry. In fact all I will say is go see it, you will not be disappointed.