The time is here for preparations for summer.  You may be thinking about important things like making sure your house is properly insulated, having all the units that keep your home cook checked, maintaining your pool ect...

No, I'm talking about the really important preparations, tanning.  Some of my girls and I were talking the other day about the pros and cons of tanning.  If you tan in bed (and your like me) its nap time just straight up.  Your nekked, its warm and your multi-talking so it just feels right.  Then again I've never been too fond of skin cancer.  So the alternative?

Spray tanning...So many mountains to climb for the average lazy girl like myself when it comes to spray tanning.  You could get a spray tan from a local tanning place, buts its been my experience that those never turn out the way I want.  The color is never dark enough and it usually streaks and leaves me looking like a wild cheetah.  Nothing against cheetahs, I just don't have the build to pull that look off.

You could pay for one of those mobile type places to come to your house or have a lil tan party that feels more like a cocaine party from back in the 70's....someone nobody knows is set up in a back room and everyone takes turns going back there then everyone looks way different when they come out....think about it you know I'm right.

Or you could try and be a boss like one of my girls we shall call "Caramel Tancrease" did and just buy your own pop up tanning booth and hope that the instructions are clear enough that you can master the art of self tanning in a way that wont leave you scrubbing with lemon for the next few weeks.  In her defense the color is fantastic, however if there are instructions on anything related to ANYTHING that will alter your appearance in any way, you should follow them exactly.  Trust me, I've had to roll around with gray hair for a month last year cause I was too busy to read instructions.

And Mrs. Tancrease?  Well she may be explaining why her feet are so dirty for a very long time as a result, more of impatience than anything....but still people....follow directions, otherwise.....

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