It's been a time of change for Slipknot, but the band is united in its mission to deliver the '.5: The Gray Chapter' album later this month. Since the band's last album, 'All Hope is Gone,' Slipknot have endured a pair of lineup changes, and guitarist Jim Root tells Australia's Music Feeds that the new members have assimilated pretty well.

Slipknot have yet to reveal the identities of their new bassist and drummer, though the bassist is universally believed to be Alessandro ‘Vman’ Venturella. Regardless, Root says of their additions, "I think they did really well considering the circumstances that were thrown at them."

He adds, "We threw the book at the drummer, we f---in’ put him through the ringer. He did not have it easy. But he was up to the challenge with everything that we threw at him. He took it all and props to him for that. The bass player was a little bit of a different situation, because we kind of had a little bit of a revolving door of dudes coming in and out and trying things. Even Donnie [Steele] came into the studio for a while and it [was] just to a point where we were struggling looking for somebody and then the right guy presented himself sort of at the last minute. It worked out pretty cool."

As for the current climate in the band, Root states, "Life in the Slipknot camp is pretty damn good right now. I used to be really hesitant and reluctant and resistant to say such things. [Laughs] Actually, everything’s pretty cool. But I don’t want to jinx it."

Speaking about the future of Slipknot, the guitarist concludes, "This band is an anomaly and we never [know] what’s gonna happen and so we tend to just take things day by day, but everything’s looking really good right now and we’re getting along really well and everybody’s talking and we’re communicating. And I think that’s only gonna get better as we hit the road."

Look for Slipknot's '.5: The Gray Album,' arriving in stores on Oct. 21.

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