Even though most of our vehicles are littered with fast food bags or receipts for Red Bull from the local convenience store, here are 15 things you need to keep in your vehicle at all times.

According to ready.gov, here are 15 things you will need in an emergency and you should always have them in you vehicle at all times:

  1. Jumper cables.
  2. At least one flashlight with extra batteries.
  3. A first aid kit.
  4. Non-perishable food.  Meaning canned food and things like energy bars.
  5. A can opener.
  6. At least three gallons of water per person.  Which means 12 gallons for a family of four.  But that's really just if you're driving through the middle of nowhere or going camping.  Otherwise it's overkill, and you'll just get terrible gas mileage.
  7. A basic toolkit with a wrench, pliers, and a screwdriver.
  8. Food and water for your pets.
  9. A hand-cranked radio, or one that uses batteries.
  10. Cat litter or sand to give your wheels better traction if you get stuck.
  11. A shovel.  It's especially important in the winter, in case you need to dig your car out of the snow.
  12. An ice scraper, unless you never drive anywhere cold.
  13. Extra clothes, including a jacket.
  14. A blanket or sleeping bag.
  15. Your old cell phone, and make sure it stays charged.  Even if it's deactivated, any cell phone can call 911.

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