Woman Sets Boyfriend on Fire, Puts It Out With Pee – Victim Says No She Didn’t
This woman is a little spitfire. Emphasis on "fire."
A woman in Penn Hills, Pa. is in serious trouble for how she treated her boyfriend during an argument last weekend. What did she do? Let's let TribLive explain:
A Penn Hills woman is charged with attempted homicide and arson after she allegedly doused her boyfriend with gasoline and lit him on fire, then poured urine on him to put out the flames, police said."
It's just like James Taylor sang: "I've seen fire and I've seen urine."
Here's what led to the explosive situation. After Grady Spencer III, 31, and Leigh Ann Sepelyak, 38, got into an argument, Spencer fell asleep. Sepelyak then did what any rational person would do when she poured gas on him, lit a cigarette and set him on fire. Then, according to TribLive, "She attempted to douse the flames with a bucket of urine that the couple used as a toilet."
The couple lived in the basement of a home where Sepelyak's parents live. They heard him screaming and put out the fire. A police official said they may have used the same urine their daughter did and then took Spencer to the hospital, where cops were summoned.
Spencer suffered burns on more than a quarter of his body. Sepelyak, meanwhile, is still in jail because she couldn't post bond. She is now looking at attempted homicide and arson charges.
That's not the end of the story, though. Spencer tells KDKA that the fire was his fault because he was drunk and dropped a cigarette while he was playing with a weed wacker. Further, he says Sepelyak threw water on him to put out the flames.
As for how word got out she set him on fire, Sepncer says Sepelyak's passed the story on to cops. To be honest, we're not sure who to believe because we're still caught up in the fact they use a bucket as a toilet in 2017.
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