Will Stand On LBGTQ Book Ban Shut Down Victoria Public Library?
Perusing the shelves of the Victoria Public Library has been a favorite family pastime with my children since they were born.
Even as the youngest of our four children enters the early stages of adulthood, I relish the fact that all four "kids" will still let me read to them on occasion, even to this day. Winnie the Pooh by A.A. Milne continues to be a revered classic in our household, and 101 Essays That Will Change The Way You Think by Brianna Wiest has been read aloud in our family multiple times as well.
Over the last three decades, our family has continued to experience the Victoria Public Library's offerings proudly as the library continues to expand not only its book collections and technologies, but their continued efforts to present activities, services, and educational events, free of charge to the public, of all ages.
Yesterday, the Victoria Public Library graced the pages of Time Magazine, but dishearteningly the article featuring our VPL wasn't to highlight the library's continued growth.
Instead, the article, written by Madeleine Carlisle, highlights a controversial topic that plagues not just our local library, but many public libraries around the nation. The article offers, "A group of Victoria residents requested the library reevaluate 44 books for removal from its shelves. They argued many of the books, including LGBTQ children’s books Worm Loves Worm and Uncle Bobby’s Wedding, were inappropriate for young people."
Titled, "Public Libraries Face Threats to Funding and Collections as Book Bans Surge," Carlisle's article presents both sides of an ongoing debate communities just like Victoria are experiencing, arguing whether certain books, especially regarding the LGBTQ community, should be allowed on the shelves of public libraries, especially within reach of younger children.
Please read the Time article, published September 7th, 2022, in its entirety here.
As our mobile phones continue to occupy a large part of our everyday lives, public libraries continue to fight an uphill battle, just to stay relevant. It seems, after reading the Time Magazine article, that our Victoria Public Library might also have to fight an uphill battle just to stay open.
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