Everyone has their own grooming practices.  Some people will only groom visible hair, others will completely remove all the hair from their bodies.  Cosmopolitan recently published an article claiming that a lot of a man's grooming is conducted by a girlfriend or spouse.  They stated that 49% of women trim or pluck a man’s nose hairs, 38% trim or pluck his ear hair, and 23% scrape dead skin off his feet.  Who are these women?

See what Free Beer and Hot Wings had to say about their personal grooming rituals below.

Joe has some of the most fascinating grooming techniques.  Remember when you first started, you revealed that even though you were living in that group home where 40 vagrants and you used the same bathroom but you were taking shower gloves in there so you could...  You're really a big fan of exfoliating and you also tamper with your cologn a lot. - Free Beer

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