Looks like it’s harder to live in some parts of the country than others.


There are plenty of things I could say but their all far too easy so I will leave that for you to roll around in your head this afternoon.  Huffington Post has the full story, but basically two systems of rain etc., merged together over the weekend to create a weather pattern on the map that is unmistakably in the shape of a gigantic penis.

These aren’t man made images folks, a computer designed specifically to show on screen the movement of storms and placement of weather type things came up with this phallic folly all on its own.


And its glorious….Not only is that for sure a great big bang stick but it’s a perfectly shaped one at that.  And how much better could it get than to have the words “heavy rain” right there at the tip. Not only that but that suckers all veiny and everything, I’m going to go ahead and do as weatherman do and make a prediction. pretty sure a little more digging and were gonna find a really bored, really creative, extremely perverted employee behind what could be the 8th world wonder.


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