The After Buzz — September 6, 2018
It's the 100th episode of The After Buzz! And no, I didn't really do anything special. I did what I normally do. I ramble for about 30 minutes on a variety of topics. Here's what was covered:
- Colin Kaepernick. This was a carry over from the end of the MoSho as Buzz kept asking me the same question over and over because I wouldn't give him the answer he was looking for. Here's a one sentence synopsis of my point. You can disagree with part of the issue, while still agreeing with other parts.
- I talk about people who try to block those a$$holes on the freeway how tailgate and speed around you. I get it. It's frustrating and irritating to share the road with these maniacs. But you are more likely to cause an accident than prevent one if you're intentionally going slow in the fast, or trying to get in these jerkoffs way.
- I got to see Alice In Chains for the first time and it was AWESOME!