Shiner Releasing Two New Beers
Why are trying to improve on things that are just fine the way they are? Hasn't anyone heard the old saying "If it aint broke, don't fix it"? Looks like a beloved Texas beer is getting an east coast makeover. Shiner has decided to jump on the hazy New England IPA craze folks. In September Shiner's Wicked Hazy IPA is set for a national rollout. It's a juicy, fruity, 5.7% foray into the haze land, and this new beer isn't the only thing rolling out of Shiner, Texas. The brewery is releasing its Day Quencher session IPA. Don't yer britches in a twist though, Shiner's brewer, Spoetzl, was an independent craft brewery way before it was cool to be so. Shiner has always been one to put out an array of beers like the Oktoberfest and then there was the Farmhouse Rye and all kinds of others that I can't remember right now. Shiner is doing what every business has to do if it wants to stay on top, come up with new, on-trend products to appeal to more customers. The two new beers, Shiner Wicked Juicy IPA and Shiner Day Quencher Session Ale, are supposed to have hit shelves this month and then nationally in September.
You read more here at Brewbound.com