Odessa Holding Free Covid Testing
The city of Odessa will be holding several free COVID-19 testing events in this month and in November. The testing will be drive-thru type setup. There are 200 tests available and are on a first-come, first-serve basis. Children aged 3 and up can be tested. You must provide proof of residency and give current contact information in order to receive your results which will be delivered in five to seven days after testing.
October 14th – Floyd Gwin Park (West 10th Parking Lot) 9-11 a.m.
October 21st – Woodson Park (Washington Lane Parking Lot) 9-11 a.m.
October 28th – Slator Park (Both Parking Lots) 9-11 a.m.
November 4th – Central Park (East 13th Parking Lot) 9-11 a.m.
November 18th – Ratliff Statium (Parking Lot) 9-11 a.m.
According to Dr. Diana Ruiz, Assistant Professor of Nursing at the University of Texas Permian Basin in an article on the cbs.com website, “As our community continues to open further, we must stay vigilant with regards to prevention and distancing. We have seen an increase in cases over the past several weeks in both Odessa and Midland,” said. “Individuals that are symptomatic, those that have been exposed to positive cases, and those needing testing for visitation or employment requirements, should take advantage of the free mobile testing offered by the city as a resource.”