New Study Ranks Midland #7 Best U.S. Drivers
Ok, so there is an annual report done by many vehicle insurance companies that rank how good or bad the drivers in certain areas are. The types of things that factor into the rankings are things like years between claims, what type of claims, drivers ages, "hard-braking events" ect... Recently I blogged about the dire state our local highways are in and how many deaths we've had so far this year. In fact in that same blog was information that Midland/Odessa has some of the most dangerous roads to travel in Texas. Well it seems a new study is contradicting that information, in a very big way. The annual report done by Allstate, Best Drivers Report 2018, has ranked Midland, Tx as seventh overall for having good drivers in the U.S. Seems a little off to me but what do I know. In the report under "Average Years Between Claims" Midland number is at 11.7. I just find it very hard to believe that what about you? But wait, perhaps there is something we are missing? If you thought that as well you would be right. Is it possible that most of the accidents we are seeing here in Midland/Odessa involve uninsured motorists? According to a report on, Texas's Uninsured Motorist rate for 2015 was only 14.1%, which compared to states like Michigan at 20.3%, New Mexico at 20.8 % or Florida with 26.7%, doesn't look all that bad. However, I have yet to find any recent data on these rates and if I were a betting woman I'd bet those numbers (at least in Texas) have seen pretty heavy raise. Regardless of all the surveys and studies, I think it's safe to say that just because Midland somehow ended up at seventh in the U.S. for best drivers, doesn't make it true.