Naked Lady Gets on Midland Trading Page and Sells Adult Toys
So this happened earlier today. This lady jumped on Facebook live on Midland TX Buy, Sell, Trade (a very public page) and started selling adult toys. Some people were very angry, but I thought she was hilarious. There she was, cool as a cucumber, just doing her thang while the comments poured in. She was almost like the Bob Ross of adult novelties. Kudos to her, because it certainly worked. She sold several items right there on the live feed. It was kind of like quarantine QVC. I'm blocking out her image and company name because I don't have permission to share the name but I get the feeling, she isn't a shy gal lol. Whoever you are ma'am, you go on with your bad self. I'm embarrassed to be naked in front of a mirror and here you are with not a care in the world, naked in front of all who dare look for a second hand deal on a local trading page lol. Her products weren't second hand BTW lol. They were all professional and still in the package. She should have her own TV show because despite my best efforts to X out, I just had to see what happened next. I probably watched for 45 minutes, and no, in case you were wondering, she knew exactly what she was doing and no nudity was actually shown. I'm pretty sure she practiced this before doing it.