Midland-Odessa Beware Of This Being Left On Your Car Door Handle!
Why is it that these days we always have to be looking over our shoulder? Going to the grocery store, or the mall, or the post office, or leaving work or leaving your home, you are supposed to always be aware of your surroundings. I mean I get it. Ladies, especially if we are alone running errands, please be careful. Mommas, grandmothers if we have our littles out and about look out for those who drive crazy through parking lots and keep your precious cargo by your side at all times.
But the story of this Houston woman baffles me. A woman from Houston, TX says she was simply out having a nice dinner, celebrating her birthday with her husband, finishes dinner, heads back to her vehicle to get in, and discovers a napkin stuck inside her door handle.
Not thinking anything of it, she tossed the napkin, washed her hands immediately and went on about her evening. In less than 10 minutes, the woman says her worst nightmare began to unfold.
The woman from Houston by the name of Erin Mims says that,
Maybe [in] five minutes, my whole arm started tingling and feeling numb. I couldn’t breathe,” said Mims. “I started getting hot flashes, my chest was hurting, my heart was beating really fast.”
She goes on to stay that her husband drove her to the hospital where bloodwork was taken along with some other tests run and despite not enough of the 'mysterious substance' being present to determine exactly what was causing the reaction, Dr's say she suffered from 'acute poisoning from an unknown substance.'
Erin Sims truly believes that,
Just that little amount had me messed up, y’all, so just imagine if I would’ve grabbed it with my full hand,” Mims said. “I probably could’ve been dead.”
She warns everyone to read her story and be vigilant, be careful, be aware and learn a lesson that unfortunately, she had to learn the hard way.
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