Meth Is A Helluva Drugs Folks…
You can read the whole story here on newswest9.com.
Drugs are bad uuuum kay.... Listen up kids, drugs are bad...no matter how happy this guys may look even after having been arrested. Apparently the prices at the Door of Hope Thrift Store just aren't as thrifty as they needed to be in order for Odessan Shawn Paul Melonakos to feel the need to pay for his purchases. When confronted about his thievery by the stores clerk Melonakos threatened him with a rock. Mr. Melonakos I think it's time you dropped the "rock" don't you? After first attempting to provide officers who arrived on the scene with fake identification information, Mr. Melonakos was taken to the Ector County Law Enforcement Center without injury. His mugshot has to be one of the happiest I've ever seen.
I say again kids, drugs are bad ummmmkay!
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