Marvel Movies: Anyone Know the Right Order?
I've tried to find an accurate list for movies in the Marvel Cinematic Universe but as I'm not an expert on much of anything aside from maybe Amazon shopping all I can do is sift through what's available online. This list is one I found that starts in 2007 and I really don't know how accurate it is so if you know the true order PLEASE let me know and I'll update this list and credit your version. Comiccons.com is where I found this list, the full post can be seen through the link above.
3. Ironman 5/2008
5. The Incredible Hulk 6/2008
4. Ironman 2 7/2010
6. Thor 6/2011
1. Captain America The First Avenger 7/2011
7. Marvel's The Avengers 5/2012
8. Ironman 3 5/2013
9. Thor The Dark World 11/2013
10. Captain America The Winter Soldier 4/2014
11. Guardians of the Galaxy 8/2014
13. Avengers Age of Ultron 5/2015
14. Antman 7/2015
15. Captain America Civil War 5/2016
17. Doctor Strange 11/2016
12. Guardians of the Galaxy Vol.2 5/2017
16. Spiderman Home Coming 7/2017
19. Thor Ragnarok 11/2017
18. Black Panther 2/2018
20. The Avengers Infinity War 4/2018
21. Antman and the Wasp 7/2018
2. Captain Marvel 3/2019
22. The Avengers Endgame 4/2019
There are some that I've read are in the makes and like I said this list may not be right so let me know if you have an accurate one.