Some of these things you can remember doing and maybe some of them you can still do, but don't need to anymore.

The Huffington Post has a list of five things we all used to be able to do, but can't anymore because of technology.

  1. Remember phone numbers.  If you know more than two numbers by heart at this point, you're better than most people, and that's including your own number.
  2. Remember birthdays.  Everyone relies on Facebook now, so we only remember the birthdays of our closest friends and family.
  3. Do long division.  Everyone has a calculator on their phone now, and there are apps for things like figuring out your tip at a restaurant, or dividing up bills with roommates.  So no one knows how to actually do it on paper anymore.
  4. Write in cursive.  If you're like most people, you couldn't write a lower case "K" or "Z" in cursive to save your life at this point, you would have to look it up first.
  5. Remember directions.  We all have GPS now, so when someone starts telling you how to get somewhere, you just zone out, then ask for the address instead.

There you go, now go find a piece of paper and practice your cursive, if you still know how. Comment below on any other things technology does for us that we don't do anymore.



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