Beach Goers Warned About An Aggressive Dolphin Off The Texas Coast
Authorities in North Padre Island are warning boaters and swimmers to be on the lookout for an aggressive dolphin that is exhibiting unusual behavior.
The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, more commonly known as NOAA is warning swimmers, boaters, and beachgoers on North Padre Island to be on the lookout for an aggressive dolphin. Experts believe that the dolphin’s aggressive behavior is a result of human interaction. While authorities discourage people from feeding or swimming with the dolphin, many swimmers ignore the warnings and have been interacting with the dolphin.
According to NOAA, his particular dolphin is so used to interacting with humans that it now seeks out swimmers and boaters in the water. It has also been separating children from their parents in the water and isolating swimmers as well.
Local authorities are urging people to not interact with the dolphin. If you happen to be swimming in the ocean and see a dolphin out in the water, experts recommend that swimmers leave the water as quickly as possible to avoid any interaction. Boaters are advised to keep their hands and feet inside the boat and to slowly move away from the dolphin.
Currently, NOAA is working with a team of biologists to determine what can be done to both mitigate the situation and protect the dolphin. Any interaction with the dolphin which could either injure it or change its behavior is illegal under the Marine Mammal Protection Act. Violators could face up to a $100,000 fine, and up to one year in jail per each violation.