Hi! I guess I'm the disembodied spirit of ROCKIN' YOUR FACE OFF! I know what you're thinking -- can KLAQ run itself? Have we as a society finally reached the pinnacle of artificial intelligence? Well, look, between you and I, KLAQ hasn't needed DJs in about 15 years or so. We keep them around because, you know, they have families 'n' stuff. I ain't about tryin' to take food out families' mouths! I rock, but I am not a monster. Anyway, when I'm in charge and no one's here, things are still friggin' awesome.
The Reason Behind WWE’s ‘Backlash’ Quietly Being Canceled
During Wrestlemania, many fans were confused to see the next PPV being advertised wasn't "Backlash," which is typically after mania. Here's the reason why.
John Oliver Takes On WWE And Vince McMahon In His Show Monologue
Wrestlemania happened this past weekend and many people had the WWE on their mind. One of those people was John Oliver and he unleashed on the WWE and McMahon.
Report Shows Kids At Risk Of Lead Poisoning In Fort Bliss Housing
A new report out by Reuters states that kids in Army housing are allegedly at risk of lead poisoning on many Army bases, including Fort Bliss.
Hear What A Texas Separatist Leader Has to Say in This MoSho Interview
Mr. Miller believes, as many Texans wrongly do, that the state of Texas has a unique right among the various states to secede from the Union whenever they choose do.