American Circumcision Film- Director Explains Why It Should Stop
This is a hot debate subject, with many passionate opinions on both sides. In the end, should circumcision of American boys be banned? Or choose later in life? It may come as shocking to many, that the most common surgery in the United States is such a controversial one. Circumcisions have been happening around the world. In the United States, almost all Muslim and Jewish born boys are circumcised, while 75% of non-religious men are circumcised. That's a large percentage when you look at the UK and Europe, where circumcision is less prevalent. While the practice has been around for centuries, it was only back in 2012 that the American Academy of Pediatrics declared the benefits of circumcising outweighed the risks of the procedure. After that, the CDC agreed with that statement. Many parents are now questioning how necessary the procedure is for their newborn boys. That's where the new documentary "American Circumcision" comes in.
In the documentary, director Brendon Marotta dives into the controversial subject and looks at it from all sides. The film speaks to experts, doctors, activists, government officials and more. The growing Intactivist movement is also featured in the film, with members explaining their passion behind the cause. The morning show was able to have a long and enlightening discussion with Marotta about the circumcision debate and why Marotta created this passion project. Listen to the entire discussion in the video above.