STAAR testing starts for my kiddo tomorrow and I still have no idea what it’s all about. The “State of Texas Assessments of Academic Readiness” is a test that begins in grade 3 through high school graduation for students in Texas that basically determines if they are where they should be in accordance with their grade in the areas of reading, writing, mathematics, science and social studies. The results of the test are used to see if a child is learning what they should be in the time that they should be. Sometimes it seems like the test is just to stress the kids and the teachers out. This year there are thousands of students who were to be taking their tests starting today who will have to wait until technical issues have been cleared before they can get back on track. Many students are still doing at home learning which would mean they would be taking their tests at home right? If that’s the case then how can the test be appropriately monitored for things like cheating? I would hope that the parents wouldn’t allow their kiddos to cheat on such an important test but then again no parent wants their child to run the risk of being held back on account of what could be seen as one silly test. All I know is that I’m glad my son is going to school in person because I wouldn’t be able to handle at home schooling or at home testing. For those of you who have kiddos that are of the age for STAAR testing right now I’ve read that the Texas education officials have advised school districts to suspend the first day of STAAR testing due to technical issues resulting partly because of thousands of students showing up in person to take the test and they also releases this message, “If your students have been able to access the test, they should continue testing. If your students have not been able to access the test, they should be dismissed from testing until the issue has been resolved,” as per the Texas Education Agency.