A new survey found that people still believe a lot of myths about STDs.  Here are the top ten myths people believe are still true.

Female First has the results of the survey taken by over 2,000 participants, all over 18 and who have had at least three sexual partners.

  1. 55% still think you won't get an STD if the guy withdraws before climax.
  2. 45% think you can't get one if you have sex standing up.
  3. 36% believe you are safe as long as you use wipes or other cleaning methods before and after.
  4. 33% think you can't get an STD if you pee right after sex.
  5. 29% think you can avoid them by washing with hot water before and after sex.
  6. 28% think you can just use spermicide and that will prevent it.
  7. 27% think you are safe as long as you have sex in the shower.
  8. 22% say you can't get an STD if the woman is on top.
  9. 14% say you are safe as long as you have sex within a relationship.
  10. 11% believe you are safe as long as you don't kiss.

There are the results, keep yourself safe out there and be aware of any changes in your genitalia or other health problems, and be honest with your doctor if anything comes up.


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